3 Quotes & Sayings By Bt Lowry

B.T. Lowry, author of "Between a Rock and a Hard Place," is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and a decorated combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He served in the Marines from 1997-2002 and deployed to Iraq in 2003.

Yuvali struggled to put one foot in front of the other. The long leaves of a purple-flowered bush raked her forehead. The flower emerged from bulbous green tubes, unfolding toward the sun. The petals radiated like flecks in an eye, a whirlpool, a sea-shell.” Ch.19 B.T. Lowry
What’s it like, for you to sense me?” she asked. Her eyes were wide now, emerald green in the lamplight and peering into Héyowan.He blushed, taken off guard. ‘Like I’m not alone, ’ he almost said. B.T. Lowry